Well, summer is gone and this is what is left of it. For us anyway. A brand new bathing suit that I bought in June that Polina wore a total of… one time. And here she is wearing it.
Can you see the red and white stripes peeking above her dress? Try as I might to convince her to show her bathing suit, Polina wouldn’t have it. Good girl. I wouldn’t want anyone taking off my dress either.
So another 12 bucks or so down the drain this summer. It’s no one’s fault but my own. I obviously wasn’t organized enough to finagle nap time and pool time and getting up time and lunch and dinner time, which is all connected to sleep time and remodeling the house time. Plus, to be honest, we had some scorching hot days this summer, which is REALLY unusual for the Pacific Northwest, but I guess this is becoming the “new normal.” I realized standing by the patio door that it had gotten so unbearably hot that summer has become as bad as winter some days- you just don’t want to go out.
There is some hope Polina will fit into a size 4 (read age 4) swimsuit next summer, when she will technically still be 3, but I have my doubts. Polina is tall for her age.
I wrote a blog earlier this summer about why I’m starting to dislike summer. This summer was less stressful but still had its challenges. We did go out just not to places that involved a bathing suit. So unfulfilled summer plans, but it was the reality I created.
So, here’s to next summer.